There is a lot of talk about people getting triggered. 'This triggered me", "I don't want to trigger you", "I was triggered". I'd like to challenge this term. I know it is a hot topic for some of you. There are people that really hold onto its value as if it is a friend. When you boil down the word trigger, it is simply a person who is reacting to what is outside of themselves. In essence, it is giving your power away; you are stating "I am not able to manage my mind, therefore I am going to allow a reaction to what is happening."
What I mean by giving your power away is if you are triggered you are letting a circumstance rule your thoughts, feelings, and actions and reacting to life rather than being intentional with your outcomes. I will give an example. A professional writes an email. Some of the sentence structure is off, wording could be a little different. Punctuation needs some help. A few misspelled words. The content is on point. The professional put time and effort into this email to get an important point across. The professional is given feedback that the content was great, but they couldn't take them seriously due to their illiteracy. They came off as unprofessional.
The snag is this professional is dyslexic and gifted. The professional feels triggered by this as all their life they are told they are illiterate, lazy, and unprofessional. Being triggered the professional physically feels tightening in the chest, shortness of breath, very fast vibrational pull in their body. They never pursue the point of the email, and therefore the valid points in the email go unattended and the company has consequences. The gifted, Dyslexic professional saw this all along. One of their gifts is to see things others can't. They consistently get frustrated as they do not feel heard, which causes them to have anxiety, overwhelm, and feel resentful of those they work with. This is a case of being triggered ruling the outcome in not a favorable way.
Another approach could be. Take a few moments, or even a day to manage what the response brought up. Decide to use this as an opportunity to advocate for oneself. Replying, "Thank you for seeing my content was great. As my form of communication in email is not my preferred method of communication, I would like to set up a meeting to discuss my findings as this is my preferred form of communication. If no time is available, I will send you a loom or recording to help bring light to the subject. I appreciate your dedication to bridging the gap of communication styles and learning needs. It is important to foster an inclusive community culture." In this second example, the professional was able to advocate for themselves while staying professional and speaking up for their needs and getting their point across.
It is important that companies are informed with DE and I in regard to Neurodiversity. Fostering and supporting different communication and learning styles are for the benefit of leadership as well as culture, productivity, save time and resources. When leaning into a professional's strengths it can enhance and in some cases save time and efforts as Neurodivergent individuals have unique abilities Neurotypicals do not possess.
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